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Emotion Code Healing


"The mind and body are inextricably connected, with our thoughts and emotions exerting a powerful influence on our health."  -


Dr. Bradley Nelson

Prescott AZ Chiropractors, Prescott Preferred Chiropractic, Dr Andy Nelson, Synergy Chiropractic Wellness Center, Emotional Healing, Best Prescott Chiropractors, Ben Wojciak, Healing Center, Heart Health, Auto Accidents, Spinal Care, Pain Management, Stress, Weight Loss & Nutrition, 936 12th Place Prescott AZ 86305, Rehabilitation, Wellness,  Neck and Back Pain, Spinal D

What is Emotion Code Healing?

Emotion Code Healing is a simple and fast method to find and remove negative emotional energy from the body. It uses kinesiology, or muscle testing to connect to the subconscious mind to find out where the blockages are and what emotions they are related to.

What is Source?

Source is positivity, peace, joy and abundance; our divine nature where light, love and freedom reside. Distancing ourselves from Source is always counterproductive. The Emotion Code removes the obstacles from returning to Source, clearing interference, removing corrosion and the cleansing the link, like removing scales of darkness to be more full of light.

Do you have Emotional Baggage?

Emotional baggage is a useful metaphor—these battered old suitcases hold the mix of negative and unprocessed emotions that we've acquired throughout the years. These feelings come from people, places, behaviors and experiences from our past that still have a negative impact our present

Do you have a Heart Wall?

A 'heart wall' is literally a wall around the heart made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy.  The heart wall is a protective mechanism created by the subconscious mind to protect the heart from a grievous injury, and from being hurt again. Think of a heart wall like a bomb shelter - good to have when the bombs are falling, but if you live in it forever you may end up being disconnected and unfulfilled.  

What do our patients have to say?

"When I first came to Dr. Andy Nelson a few months ago, my body was screaming out in pain.  I knew that my emotional pain and my physical pain were linked, but I never met a doctor who could deal with both. Not only did Dr. Andy and his team help me with the physical pain, but he also introduced me to Emotional Code Healing. Dr. Andy is a very knowledgeable, kind, patient, and caring doctor, and I was quickly able to put my trust in his non-judgmental hands."


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